MAY 3, 2024 JLM 67掳F 10:04 AM 03:04 AM EST
Major Fawz Hussein. Israeli. Bedouin. Hero!

This is from a tweet of Israeli-Arab journalist Yoseph Haddad with a GREAT story to tell!

Yesterday Channel 12 published an article about the heroism of Major Fawz Hussein on October 7. Here is his story.

The Bedouin tracker officer who is also a father of 3 children jumped specially from the north to the south that Saturday to fight there. He fought bravely and managed to eliminate many terrorists and even when he was hit by a bullet he continued to fight He ran out of ammunition and he took the wounded and soldiers he met along the way. 

In the battle at Kibbutz Holit Fawz he was seriously wounded and he had already heard the terrorists planning to kidnap him. He had already put the barrel in his mouth so as not to give them the opportunity to kidnap him alive. And at that time he smiled. WHY? 

That's how he Said: "Because the children will discover that their father is a hero. I did something great for the security of the State of Israel, for the people of Israel. That's what I was thinking about, because that's our job as soldiers in the army, that's what I was brought up to do - for the day of an order, for the day they need me, I will be, I was privileged to be. I will not give them the pleasure of kidnapping me, if they take me they will take me dead."

At the last minute the IDF force arrived there and managed to kill the terrorists and under the protection of the heavy fire to evacuate Fauz.

His war is not over and since then he has undergone a complex rehabilitation but Fauz is alive and he is strong and he is a hero and he is a symbol of partnership. 

Wow, how proud I am of him, how proud everyone is of you Hero of Israel!

Did you find this article interesting?
Elena Caddell 07:45 02.02.2024
Mike Galarneau 04:45 02.02.2024
Wow. Awesome!
[Anonymous] 01:14 02.02.2024
God bless Israel 馃お馃嚘馃嚭馃嚠馃嚤馃嚘馃嚭馃嚠馃嚤馃嚘馃嚭馃嚠馃嚤馃嚠馃嚤
[Anonymous] 01:00 02.02.2024
Jon Botach 00:06 02.02.2024
诪专 拽讬讚专 讛注专讜抓 讛讝讛 诪讜讝专 讜诪注讬讬祝 讜诪诇讗 驻专住讜诪讜转. 诇讗 诪转讗讬诐 诇讱. 讗谞讗 转注讝讜讘, 转诪爪讗 诪砖讛讜 谞讜专诪诇讬, 讻讜诇谞讜 谞注讝讜专
Jon Botach 00:05 02.02.2024
Hero no doubt, but why rely on channel 12, which we hate. Call him and air on zoom. And btw this channel is so frustrating, too
[Anonymous] 23:46 01.02.2024
Not registered
aloe vera 23:43 01.02.2024
A hero indeed. Brave and true to his calling as a soldier. May your tribe increase.
[Anonymous] 23:41 01.02.2024
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