On February 4, 1997, two IDF transport helicopters ferrying Israeli soldiers collided in mid-air, killing all 73 on board
This is a moment that everyone remembers where they were.
Following the 1982 Lebanon War, Israel had withdrawn to a "security zone" in southern Lebanon, where it faced an insurgency by Hezbollah and other Lebanese groups.
Israel had originally moved troops by ground, but this policy was changed as the threat of roadside bombs increased. As a result, Israel increasingly began ferrying soldiers by air into southern Lebanon.
The 1997 Israeli helicopter disaster occurred on February 4, 1997, when two Israeli Air Force transport helicopters ferrying Israeli soldiers into Israel's security zone in southern Lebanon collided in mid-air over moshav She'ar Yashuv in northern Israel, killing all 73 Israeli military personnel on board.
The crash brought about widespread national mourning.
May their memory be a blessing.
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