Five Palestinian terrorists were killed as Israeli security forces destroyed four explosives laboratories in Jenin, the Israel Defense Forces disclosed on Wednesday as a crackdown on terror groups entered its second day.
The army said it also confiscated weapons parts and five lathes used for producing weapons.
A camera warehouse used by terror groups and dozens of explosives were also destroyed.
Seven terror suspects were arrested.
Meanwhile in Hebron, Israeli security forces arrested four wanted Palestinians, confiscated weapons and questioned dozens of other suspects. This comes ahead of this weekend’s Jewish celebrations at the Tomb of the Patriarchs. The Torah portion read on Saturday recounts Abraham’s purchase of the Cave of Machpeilah where he buried Sarah. The other Patriarchs and their wives are also buried in the tomb.
The annual celebration draws thousands of Jews.
Since the October 7 attacks, Israeli security forces have arrested more than 5,300 wanted Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, of whom around 40% are associated with Hamas.
Image - Israel Police