In response to Trump’s pressure on Egypt to take one million Gazans into Egypt, Egyptian President el-Sisi sent tanks and troops to the Gaza border area in contravention of the Camp David Accords that led to a peace treaty with Israel
The fact is, Egypt has been preparing for war with Israel for quite some time and has been building up its forces up in the Sinai over the last year.
Trump’s push for Egypt to repatriate the Gazans back to Egypt is a seismic shift in US policy to the conflict and would represent a potential end of the conflict and a closure of the “palestinian” cause.
Egypt might be playing tough right now, but the fact is they have little maneuverability. Trump can cut their foreign aid and cease to provide security for el-Sisi. There is not much Egypt can do to stop Trump or push back.
Moving the army into Sinai may look tough, but Trump is not playing around - he wants Egypt to solve the problem it started when they pushed their unwanted into Gaza before Israel liberated the enclave in 1967.
For those skeptical on whether Trump can pull off his Gaza relocation plan – one should never underestimate President Trump.
After all, the Democrats did and look where they are.
Source: Israel Unwired PHOTO and VIDEO: Use according to Section 27 A